프로그래밍공부(Programming Study)/네트워크(Network)

[컴퓨터네트워크]4. Application Layer

Chaany 2023. 3. 28.

Application architectures

  • peer-to-peer(P2P)
  • client-server

Client-server architecture

  • server
    • always-on host
    • permanent IP address
    • data centers for scaling
  • clients
    • communicate with server
    • do not communicate directly with each other
    • may be intermittently connected
    • may have dynamic IP address

P2P architecture

  • no always-on server
  • arbitrary end systems directly communicate
  • peers request service from other peers, provide service in return to other peers
    • self scalability - new peers bring new service capacity, as well as new service demands
  • peers are intermittently connected and change IP address
    • complex management

Processes communicating

  • process : program running within a host
    • within same host
    • different hosts by messages
  • server-client
    • client process : initiates communication
    • server process: waits to be contacted
  • P2P
    • can be client or server each peers


  • process sends/receives msg to/from its socket
  • analogous to door

Addressing processes

  • process must have identifier
  • identifier includes both IP address and port numbers(host device has unique 32bit IP address)
  • well known port
    • HTTP server: 80
    • mail server: 25

what transport service does an app need?

  • data integrity
  • timing : require low delay to be effective
  • throughput :  require minimum amount of throughput to be effective 

Internet transport protocols services

  • transport 계층에서 패킷을 갖고 있으면 minimum throughput 보장 못함

Internet apps : application, layer protocol, transport protocol

App-layer protocol defines

Web and HTTP

